Manic Monday #166

Posted by ~*Kaila*~ on 6:51 PM in

Which household chore do you dislike the most?
Dishes - especially if they have been left in cold, gunky water. Something about putting my hands in even slightly slimey water gives me chills.

What's the best museum you've ever visited?
That's a toss up. As a child there was a museum called Imagination Station that was great because it was made for children. We could run and play and touch everything and it was such a blast. As far the most intellectual museum that I have ever been to, that honor would have to go the the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. It really opened my eyes to how awful things really were.

It's Star Wars Day today. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. What "common" movies haven't you seen?
I don't know if these are common movies but I get grief for not having seen Boondock Saints, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Layer Cake and few other movies that my boyfriend just loves.



Hello Kaila~ I used to wash all my dishes by hand until I recently got a dishwasher and now it's all the rave. Everyone has piqued my interest in the Holocaust Museum today. I can't wait til the day comes I can go experience it for myself. Hope all is well. Have a nice day.

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